The Bloody Beetroots
The Bloody Beetroots Dates
Sun 20 Apr 2025 - 20:00 PST
The Crocodile, Seattle, WA

The Bloody Beetroots Biography

Imagine the love child of the Misfits and Daft Punk; the act of conception would be grisly, but what a mighty offspring their union would generate. A formidable figure a la Sir Bob Cornelius Rifo, the polymath and producer behind the Bloody Beetroots.

While Bloody Beetroots burst on to the scene in 2007, Sir Bob Cornelius Rifo did not spring forth from the godhead fully formed. Born in Bassano del Grappa, Italy, in 1977, our hero started young, studying classical guitar and learning to sight read via the traditional solfge method (you know â€" like "Do Re Mi" in The Sound of Music). But his imagination was fired by other sources: The raw energy of punk and rockabilly music; the vibrant images and outrageous storylines of comics by Max Bunker, Benito Jacovitti, and especially Tanino Liberatore, creator of the cyberpunk RanXerox.

"The secret is tying up thoughts and visions via the process called music," says Sir Bob Cornelius Rifo of his distinct aesthetic. "I'm a grown child who enjoys r


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