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Blackberry Smoke tickets at Jannus Live, Saint Petersburg
TBD Cancelled
Jannus Live, Saint Petersburg, FL Ages: All Ages
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AEG Presents

Jannus Live
16 2nd Street North
Saint Petersburg, FL 33701
Ages: All Ages
Onsale: Fri 2 Jun 2017 - 10:00 EDT
Blackberry Smoke, Chris Robinson Brotherhood show at Jannus Live rescheduled due to Hurricane Irma:

The highly anticipated Blackberry Smoke, Chris Robinson Brotherhood show at Jannus Live on September 9, will be rescheduled on a date TBD due...
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Bio: Blackberry Smoke

Blackberry Smoke has evolved from rough-edged club act to arena-ready rock 'n' roll juggernauts, whilesteadily extending and expanding the Southern rock tradition. Since the group’s formation in 2000, theband has never shied away from hard work, playing more than 250 shows a year and building an ever-expanding audience on the strength of its live shows. In addition to winning fans and friends ...More

Bio: Chris Robinson Brotherhood

"Masterful players on a Grail-like search for the cosmic heart of California." - MOJO


"…good-time music on an end-times mission." - ROLLING STONE

"...trailblazing a wonderfully refreshing slice of 'Rock N Roll' music." - AQUARIUM DRUNKARD

"…a celebration of how American musical traditions can be at once honored and psychedelically expanded." - UNCUT

The Chris Robinson ...


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