Alison Moyet
Alison Moyet Dates
Mon 7 Apr 2025 - 20:00 CDT
Marathon Music Works, Nashville, TN
Sat 26 Apr 2025 - 20:00 EDT
Center Stage Atlanta, Atlanta, GA
Sun 27 Apr 2025 - 20:00 CDT
Marathon Music Works, Nashville, TN
Wed 30 Apr 2025 - 20:00 EDT
Keswick Theatre, Glenside, PA

Alison Moyet Biography


Critics Hail New Album the minutes

With the much-deserved return to the spotlight, world-renowned musical icon ALISON MOYET will be making a trek over the Atlantic for three U.S. shows in support of her critically and publically-hailed new album the minutes (Cooking Vinyl/Metropolis Records). “Flipping flip. I'm only going to play some gigs in the USA. Huzzah! I so can't wait,” said Alison excitedly. “I've got clean pants and everthang. Come while you can. I'm not getting any younger.”

With her new album receiving rave reviews on both sides of the Atlantic Ocean, Alison Moyet has returned to the forefront of the music scene with a Top Five charting album and boatloads of positive press.

Associated Press: “True to her punk roots, the English artist didn't make the minutes, her first studio album since 2007, to please anyone. And, by doing so, she has created a remarkable collection that takes her rich contralto to new edges."

New York Daily News: "While many singers in the electronic world end up slaves to the rhythm, here Moyet once again proves able to soar with any sound."

New Noise Magazine: "[Alison Moyet] has created one of the best albums of her career and an album that should be in your collection."

the minutes tour will place the new album center stage but will also focus on the significant electronic material from Yaz and her solo back catalog.


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