Eric Hutchinson
Eric Hutchinson Dates
Sat 26 Apr 2025 - 20:00 EST
The Grey Eagle, Asheville, NC

Eric Hutchinson Biography

To see an Eric Hutchinson show is to be fully entertained. Hutchinson and his band, The Believers, have toured extensively, building a reputation for a high-energy live show, full of four-part harmonies, incredible musicianship, humility, and humor. A show for any music lover, Eric brings the audience to him, playing his unique songs and telling the funny, moving and one-of-a-kind stories that made him the artist he is today. 

Now, for the first time ever, Eric has brought his touring band into the recording studio with him and the result is an exciting new album, Modern Happiness. The record finds Eric and the Believers capturing the magic that makes their live shows so memorable, and effortlessly melding Pop, Soul, Reggae, Folk and Americana into a sound that is undeniably Hutchinsonian. 

Beginning in January 2018, Eric is adventurously rolling out Modern Happiness, one song at a time, for 10 months straight. Each month will feature behind-the-scenes videos, ...


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