Nile Dates

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Nile Biography

It's been said that one of humanity's greatest attributes is our desire to remember. In light of the ancient world's epic tales of invasion, occupation, conquest, enslavement, domination, and all-out war, situating history against the equally violent passages of death metal music in such a thorough and reverent way had yet to be achieved until the birth of NILE.

Formed in 1993 by Sanders, bassist / vocalist Chief Spires, and drummer Pete Hammoura, then later augmented in 1996 by second guitarist Dallas Toler-Wade, NILE's symphonic arrangements unleashed a unique approach to their uncompromising technicality and Middle Eastern-tinged songwriting with their two EPs, Festivals Of Atonement (1995), Ramses Bringer Of War (1997), and their first full-length, 1998's Amongst The Catacombs Of Nephren-Ka. Rightfully earning themselves a world tour with Morbid Angel and a festival debut at Dynamo Open Air in 1999, NILE were quickly gaining an onslaught of new fans that revered them as one of meta...


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