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tis 10 juni 2025 - 20:00 CST
Smoothie King Center, New Orleans, LA
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Smoothie King Center
1501 Girod Street
New Orleans, LA 70113
tis 10 juni 2025 - 20:00 CST
Biljettsläpp: sön 26 jan. 2025 - 18:00 CST

Biografi: Andrea Bocelli

Andrea Bocelli is the biggest-selling solo artist in the history of classical music, having sold more than 70 million albums over a 20-year career.

In possession of one of the finest voices in the world, Bocelli emerged as a vocal phenomenon in the 1990s and has since gone on to become one of the most successful artists of all time.

He has excelled in the operatic, classical and popular spheres, recording seven complete operas, releasing more than a dozen hit records and performing all around the world. Quite simply, Bocelli is a phenomenon.

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