Death From Above 1979
Death From Above 1979 Dates

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Death From Above 1979 Biography

The high-energy, high-volume duo Death from Above 1979 made an immediate splash upon their debut in 2004 with You're a Woman, I'm a Machine. Bassist/synth player Jesse F. Keeler and drummer/vocalist Sebastien Grainger both hailed from Toronto, where they met and formed Death from Above in 2001. (The "1979" tag was added later, following a legal spat with the U.S.-based music collective DFA.) Without a guitarist -- or any other bandmember for that matter -- Keeler and Grainger were free to push their rhythmic sound as far as it would go, and they eventually arrived at a severely overdriven rush of punk, hard rock, and dance music influences held together with high volume. After issuing a few initial singles, Death from Above 1979 released You're a Woman, I'm a Machine in 2004 and never looked back, touring alongside such high-profile bands as Nine Inch Nails and Queens of the Stone Age and generally making a sweaty, shirtless racket wherever they went.

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