Felipe Esparza
Felipe Esparza Dates
Fri 9 May 2025 - 7:30 pm

Felipe Esparza Biography

Comedian and actor Felipe Esparza got his start as a comedian all because someone asked him to list 5 goals in life. During a stint in rehab before he was 21, Felipe was asked what he wanted out of life. As a young immigrant growing up in the projects in Boyle Heights (East L.A.) and then as a teenage father with a drug and alcohol problem, it was a difficult task because he had never thought that far ahead. Among the items on that list, "to be happy", and "be a stand-up comedian" - because of how he connected to an old Bill Cosby album when he was younger. Up until that question, Felipe was under the impression that life was over at 18. 

If you had told him back then that all this life experience would one day make people laugh, he wouldn't have believed it. From being raised in the projects in a family of 9 living in the most gang-infested neighborhood in the country to winning NBC's "Last Comic Standing", to selling out live comedy shows all over the country and being able to a...


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