David Garrett
David Garrett Dates

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David Garrett Biography

When David Garrett wanted a title for his new album, he came straight to the point and called it Music. A former child prodigy of the classical world who signed to Deutsche Grammophon when he was only 13, he now provokes Garrett-mania among hordes of international fans with his spectacular fusions of rock and pop with symphonic or baroque traditions. To him, it's all music and all equally valid.

"I never stopped playing classical music," he points out. "But when you become really accomplished on the violin, you can literally do anything. It's just a matter of what you really want to do with music."

In his teen-wonder years, it looked as if he was all set for a long career as a classical soloist. He worked with leading orchestras around the world under such esteemed maestros as Claudio Abbado and Zubin Mehta, and mastered the major works from the violin repertoire. But he knew that there was a different life beyond the hothouse bubble of classical music, and he took the gamble to leave Eu


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