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Biographie : System Of A Down

Biographie : Korn
In their 14 years of togetherness, the L.A.-based lineup has both survived and thrived, and the songs on their records are rife with detritus of decadence and lessons learned. On the 2007 Family Values Tour, the band serves up its biggest stage show ever, and in the set list are songs they haven't performed in 10 years. "It's definitely different for us. Fans are going to be very happy," believes Davis. "The statement Korn wanted to make with this record and tour was, 'yes we're down three members, but we're still very creative and still love making music.' We're so happy to be doing this 14 years later."
Korn, who have sold more than 25 million records worldwide and earned six Grammy nods and two wins to date, have upped the ante with each successive record and project, always innovators in the use of media, fan interaction, collaborations, business models, and most importantly, music.