Random Text Generator is a web application which provides true random text which you can use in your documents or web designs. How does it work? First we took many books available on project Gutenberg and stored their contents in a database. Then...
Plus d'infosRandom Text Generator is a web application which provides true random text which you can use in your documents or web designs. How does it work? First we took many books available on project Gutenberg and stored their contents in a database. Then a computer algorithm takes the words we stored earlier and shuffles them into sentences and paragraphs. The algorithm takes care to create text that looks similar to an ordinary book but without any real meaning. The reason we want our text to be meaningless is that we want the person viewing the resulting random text to focus on the design we are presenting, rather than try to read and understand the text.
It's better than Lorem ipsum because it can produce text in many languages and in particular: Chinese, Dutch, English, Finnish, French, German, Greek, Hebrew, Italian, Japanese, Latin, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Serbian and Spanish.
Also when you use plain Lorem ipsum text, your design will look like a million other designs out there. With Random Text Generator your designs will look more unique while still containing text which truly means nothing.
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