Los Amigos Invisibles
Los Amigos Invisibles Dates
Sun May 18, 2025 - 8:00 PM
Brighton Music Hall, Allston, MA

Los Amigos Invisibles Biography

Since their first album in 1995, Los Amigos Invisibles have developed a sound based on the “gozadera” - an irresistible fusion of Latin rhythms with fiery funk and lounge music. The band got their first break when David Byrne (Talking Heads) discovered one of their albums by chance in a Manhattan record shop. He immediately called the band up in their native Venezuela and soon after, signed them to his label: Luaka Bop. Byrne opened doors for the band across the globe and Los Amigos Invisibles soon became an international touring machine. Los Amigos Invisibles moved to New York City from their hometown of Caracas in 2001 and entrenched themselves in the local scene. With their electrifying live show, the group began building a considerable fan-base across the U.S. collaborating with artists such as Louie Vega (Masters At Work), Dimitri From Paris, Natalia Lafourcade, Cachorro López and Jorge Gonzalez, among others. Los Amigos Invisibles were able to establish themselves in the internat...

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