Edwin McCain
Edwin McCain Dates

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Edwin McCain Biography

Edwin McCain was born in Greenville, South Carolina, where he still lives. "My sister is a great singer, my dad played guitar and sax in swing bands in college, my mom plays piano. They're all good musicians. When I was young, my dad made me promise to never be a musician. He should have said never be an accountant. He sealed my fate by telling me not to do something."


McCain's debut, Honor Among Thieves, captured his acoustic based blend of folk, pop and soul accented by some funky electric guitar, a horn section and backing singers. It did well, but nothing could have prepared him for the frenzy that was created by his second outing, Misguided Roses. "We did it as a band in the basement of a friend's house in Nashville, living together and playing to a DAT recorder. The label wasn't checking on us, so we made a quirky record. It turned out to be a good move." The popular WB TV show "Dawson's Creek" played "I'll Be", one of the album's most romantic ballads, on an episode of th...

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