MHayarpi Artist tickets at The Theatre at Grand Prairie, Grand Prairie
Mi. 9 Apr. 2025 - 17:00 CDT
The Theatre at Grand Prairie, Grand Prairie, TX Alter: Over 14s Only
01 | Apr. | 2025
MHayarpi AXS Premium
Premium tickets available only through AXS
MHayarpi Artist VIP
Special offers and exclusive packages from the artist.
The Theatre at Grand Prairie
1001 Performance Place
Grand Prairie, TX 75050
(972) 854-5050
Mi. 9 Apr. 2025 - 17:00 CDT
Alter: Over 14s Only
Einlassbeginn: 14:00
IM VERKAUF: Di. 1 Apr. 2025 - 17:00 CDT

Biografie: MHayarpi Artist

Performer Bio for HM Artist.


An artist is an individual who creates, expresses, or demonstrates creativity and imagination through various mediums such as painting, music, literature, or performance

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MHayarpi AXS Premium

Premium tickets available only through AXS

What is AXS Premium?

AXS Premium gives fans direct access to purchasing premium tickets at market value. Ticket prices and supplies of inventories are subject to change based on demand. With AXS Premium, fans can choose the perfect ticket based on their individual preferences. By purchasing tickets directly from AXS (the official event ticketing provider) fans can eliminate the risk of purchasing tickets that may be considered lost, stolen or counterfeit.

Please note that AXS Premium may not be available for all events and may be General Admission depending on venue setup.

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Tickets für MHayarpi - Artist for ET event 1802

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