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Di. 25 März 2025 - 19:30 MDT
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Morrison Center
1910 University Drive
Boise, ID 83725
(208) 426-1110
Di. 25 März 2025 - 19:30 MDT

Biografie: The Price is Right Live

The Price Is Right Live™ is the hit interactive stage show that gives eligible individuals the chance to "Come On Down" to win. Prizes may include appliances, vacations and possibly a new car! Play classic games from television's longest running and most popular game show from Plinko™, to Cliffhangers™, to The Big Wheel™, and even the fabulous Showcase.

Playing to near sold-out audiences for nearly nine years, the Price Is Right Live! has given away more than 10 million dollars in cash and prizes and sold more than 1.2 million tickets.

If you enjoy the rush of emotions experienced while watching the show on television, just imagine the possibilities if you were actually in the audience watching it live.

The Price Is Right Live is produced by FremantleMedia North America and licensed by FremantleMedia.

WANT TO PLAY? NO PURCHASE NECESSARY. Open to legal residents of 50 United States and Canada (excluding Puerto Rico & Quebec), 18 years or older. Ticket purchase will not increase your chances of being selected to play. To register for chance to be a contestant, visit registration area at or near the venue box office 3 hours prior to show time. For complete rules & regulations, including eligibility requirements, visit or call the box office. To enter theater to watch show, a ticket purchase is required. Sponsored by Good Games Live, Inc. Void where prohibited. Price is Right Live™/©2016 FremantleMedia. All Rights Reserved.






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