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Sa. 12 Apr. 2025 - 19:00 EDT
The National, Richmond, VA
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The National
708 East Broad Street
Richmond, VA 23219
(804) 612-1900
Sa. 12 Apr. 2025 - 19:00 EDT

Biografie: Municipal Waste

Born in the sewers of Richmond, Virginia during 2000, with the aim of spreading the shred, Municipal Waste played their first gig at a Richmond New Year's Eve Keg party in 2000/2001. Blamed for inciting a small riot, Brendan Trache, Andy Harris, Tony Foresta and Ryan Waste went down a storm. As a result, the four swiftly started touring in small clubs; their blazing fast, raw thrash drew from the tradition of DRI, Suicidal Tendencies, 'Animosity'-era Corrosion Of Conformity, Nuclear Assault and Attitude Adjustment.   Graduating to the road from the dirty bunker type garage behind Ryan's house (a place where he used to put on punk and metal shows), Municipal Waste toured incessantly throughout 2001/2 in the USA and Mexico. The band also released two split records - one 7" with Bad Acid Trip, the other being a 12" with Crucial Unit; they also had tracks on a number of compilations.   Municipal Waste had already succeeded in spreading their shred across the ocean, becoming favourites on the BBC Radio 1's 'Lock-Up and 'Rock Show' programmes, They're also firm favourites with audiences around the world, thanks to their relentless touring regime and insane live shows.   In 2006, Municipal Waste played with Sick Of It All, around Europe, and also blasted Australia from coast to coast. They also played the UK's prestigious Reading and Leeds Festivals on the Lock-Up stage, and set off on their biggest US tour yet, with GWAR. 2007 sees Municipal Waste touring with Destruction in the USA, before going into the studio, with producer Zeuss, to record their next thrash masterpiece. In April and May, the band will be touring with The Haunted in Europe. Check out www.facethewaste.com for up to the minute updates from the 'Waste.

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