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Do. 15 Mai 2025 - 19:30 PDT
Lobero Theatre, Santa Barbara, CA
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Lobero Theatre
33 East Canon Perdido Street
Santa Barbara, CA 93101
Do. 15 Mai 2025 - 19:30 PDT

Biografie: Bill Frisell

Bill Frisell’s Grammy-nominated project Guitar In The Space Age! is an homage to the inspirational pop of his formative years inspired by the “the birth of the Fender Telecaster guitar” - (1951, the same year as Frisell’s own birth) - that, he recalls, "got me super fired-up" about his instrument of choice. On the album, Frisell explores material by The Byrds, Duane Eddy, Chet Atkins and Link Wray. Taken with his new solo release Music IS, which covers Bill’s own music as far as back as his first ECM albums, this rare solo concert uses these albums as a jumping-off point to explore his whole career as one of the world’s most adventurous guitarists.

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