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Do. 27 März 2025 - 20:00 EDT
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The Colosseum at Caesars Windsor
377 Riverside Drive East
Windsor, ON N9A 7H7
(800) 991-7777
Do. 27 März 2025 - 20:00 EDT

Biografie: Smokey Robinson

The dictionary defines the popular term "comfort food" as "food prepared in a traditional style having a usually nostalgic or sentimental appeal." It has been known to have a buffering effect as it soothes the soul and spurs memories of more "comforting" times. If that concept holds up in the kitchen, then it makes perfect sense that it should hold true in the living room with its aural equivalent. While it's already a known fact that popular songs often connect with listeners in a highly personal way, often recalled alongside life's more personal moments, only a few distinctive voices in popular music can achieve that same effect with instantaneous familiarity. With his eternally smooth and instantly recognizable falsetto alone - without the strings, bass, guitar or drums - legendary singer/songwriter/producer SMOKEY ROBINSON's honey-coated voice absolutely is the audio equivalent of comfort food...comfort food for the soul...with soul. In following with the aforementioned definition, the Motown legend's forthcoming ROBSO Records CD, Time Flies When You're Having Fun has certainly been "prepared in a traditional style," while that oh-so-familiar, highly identifiable crooning has an indisputable "nostalgic or sentimental appeal."

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