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So. 23 Feb. 2025 - 19:30 EST
The Bell House, Brooklyn, NY
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The Bell House
149 7th Street
Brooklyn, NY 11215
So. 23 Feb. 2025 - 19:30 EST
IM VERKAUF: Mo. 25 Nov. 2024 - 18:00 EST

Biografie: Rhys Darby

Started making people laugh at school and never really stopped trying despite becoming a soldier in 1991. Left the army in 1994. Went to university in 1995 and become famous for a comedy sketch entitled 'Things Rhys can do.' In 1996 i formed the comedy duo 'Rhysently Granted' with Grant Lobban. We became an overnight sensation in Christchurch after winning an open mic contest at Southern Blues Bar. We went on to entertain the masses at university and the local bohemians at the 'Green Room' performance cafe. We did two international comedy festivals and then i moved up to Auckland. Solo stand-up became my thing but i put a spin on it by being very physical on stage and using my theatrical strengths in mime and sound effects to tell stories by acting them out. In 2002 I moved to the UK to see how my act would go down there...

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