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Mi. 2 Apr. 2025 - 18:30 PDT
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Hawthorne Theatre
1507 SE 39th Ave
Portland, OR 97214
Mi. 2 Apr. 2025 - 18:30 PDT
IM VERKAUF: Mo. 27 Jan. 2025 - 16:00 PDT

Biografie: Belphegor

Belphegor is an Austrian blackened death metal band named after the demon Belphegor (originally Baal-Peor) and formed in 1993.Belphegor was formed in 1993, originally under the name Betrayer. After the release of their first demo, "Bloodbath in Paradise" the band became popular in the underground metal scene. Their first album The Last Supper was released by Lethal Records, the two following ones by Last Episode (now known as Black Attakk) which they called a "rip-off label" afterwards. After releasing their live album Infernal Live Orgasm on their own label Phallelujah Productions, they signed with Napalm Records. In 2003, they released Lucifer Incestus, their fourth full-length album. However, their relationship with Napalm Records did not last, as they said afterwards that the label didn't support them enough and they were "fed up with this respectless treatment". The band is currently signed with Nuclear Blast and has released two albums to date with them, Pestapokalypse VI and Bondage Goat Zombie.In February-March 2007 the band toured North America with Unleashed, Krisiun and Hatesphere, and played at the famous Wacken Open Air festival in August. In January, founding member Sigurd underwent eye surgery, and has been unable to play since. On April 15th, they released Bondage Goat Zombie, and will tour Europe with Grave and supporting Nile. For a long time, it was not known whether Sigurd would be able to play or not, having reportedly undergone eye surgery at the beginning of 2008. However, Helmuth said that Sigurd had chosen to leave the band permanently. He was replaced with another guitarist, Morluch, who is currently listed on the band's MySpace page.

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