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Fr. 16 Mai 2025 - 20:30 EDT
The Sinclair, Cambridge, MA
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The Sinclair
52 Church St.
Cambridge, MA 02138
Fr. 16 Mai 2025 - 20:30 EDT
IM VERKAUF: Di. 14 Jan. 2025 - 6:42 EDT

Biografie: Carsie Blanton

Born Carson Amanda Bradley Blanton, Carsie spent her childhood in the small town of Luray, Virginia, running amok. After careening around the country (finding temporary homes in Eugene and San Francisco) Carsie landed in Philadelphia, where she now resides.

A devotee of folk music from the womb, Carsie later acquired a taste for Jazz, R&B, Motown, and blues, and cobbled them together elegantly to create her own brand of musical shenanigans, which she released in the form of her first album, "Hush", at the tender age of sixteen. In 2005, Carsie released "Ain't So Green", her first studio album, which she now tours the east coast toting boxes of.

Since her move to Philadelphia in fall of 2006, Carsie has shared the stage with nationally and regionally hailed acts including Amos Lee, Jeffrey Gaines, Leon Redbone and Joan Armatrading, and has played at the Tin Angel in Philadelphia, Club Passim in Cambridge, the Birchmere in Alexandria, and live on WXPN radio.

Besides music, Carsie delights in teacups, the poetry of e. e. cummings, four-leaf-clovers, swing dancing, and playing with dogs.

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