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Do. 16 Okt. 2025 - 19:30 GMT
De Montfort Hall, Leicester, United Kingdom
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De Montfort Hall
Granville Road
Leicester, United Kingdom LE1 7RU
Do. 16 Okt. 2025 - 19:30 GMT

Biografie: Wet Wet Wet

Boasting a back catalogue of songs that include three UK number ones – With A Little Help From My Friends; Goodnight Girl; and Love Is All Around - the Glasgow lads have made an incredible impact with their music for almost three decades.

The band - Graeme Clark, Tommy Cunningham, Neil Mitchell and Marti Pellow - have sold in excess of 15million singles and albums to date and have featured in the UK official singles and album charts for 508 weeks. They have also played to more than four million people in over 25 countries around the world.

They set a record by playing 10 sold-out shows at Glasgow’s SECC in 1995, when they were officially the most popular live act in the UK - out-selling the Rolling Stones who were also on tour that year.

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