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So. 9 Nov. 2025 - 19:00 EDT
Van Andel Arena, Grand Rapids, MI
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Van Andel Arena
130 Fulton West
Grand Rapids, MI 49503
(616) 742-6600
So. 9 Nov. 2025 - 19:00 EDT

Biografie: Matt Rife

I'm a 17 year old Stand Up Comedian/ Actor/ Writer from a small town in Ohio who's marching band can probably form a Comma, but that doesn't discourage my dreams of making it BIG. I love Stand Up and Acting more than anything and i am pursuing it as my future profession. So right now i'm traveling the Country performing at many different places, trying to make dreams become reality. I've already gotten compliments such as "You are going to be a great young comic" from great comedians such as D.L. Hughley, Tommy Davidson, Ralphie May, and AJ Jamal. My life dream to do Stand Up and Act Professionally. All i want from you guys is some love and support to help me fulfill those dreams.
Despite my young age I've been told that I work at a level way ahead of my time. This has already allowed my to work with many of the greats in the entertainment business as well as travel to venues all over the country to perform.
It is my passion to perform and I don't intend on stopping, so please give me your support and i promise to always pay forward.

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