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So. 22 Juni 2025 - 19:00 EDT
Byham Theater, Pittsburgh, PA
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Byham Theater
101 6th St
Pittsburgh, PA 15222
So. 22 Juni 2025 - 19:00 EDT

Biografie: Jimmy Carr

Jimmy Carr - Funny Business
Jimmy’s been described as ‘the hardest working man in comedy’.  Which, let’s face facts, is not that impressive. It’s like being the ‘Tallest Dwarf’ or the ‘Healthiest Glaswegian’. Really not that big a deal.
‘Funny Business’ is Jimmy’s brand new stand-up show. Come for the witty and incisive musings on the human condition; stay for the knob gags.

Multiple choice.
Jimmy Carr’s ‘Funny Business’ will be:
a) Packed with jokes
b) Rude and offensive *
c) A great night out
d) £25 a ticket **
If you answered a) b) c) or d) you were right!

* If you are easily offended. Don’t be a dick about it.
** The show is not suitable for anyone who hasn’t bought a ticket.

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