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Sa. 12 Apr. 2025 - 19:00 EDT
Ovens Auditorium, Charlotte, NC
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Ovens Auditorium
2700 East Independence Blvd.
Charlotte, NC 28205
(704) 372-3600
Sa. 12 Apr. 2025 - 19:00 EDT

Biografie: Jim Jefferies

Comedian Jim Jefferies has announced The Night Talker Tour, his latest major multi-city standup comedy tour that will take him across the United States and Canada throughout 2018.  

   Jefferies has firmly established himself as one of the most popular and respected comedians of his generation, with a controversial and belief-challenging standup style that continues to surprise and entertain audiences across the globe. The tour announcement comes hot of the hells of his fifth major standup comedy special “Freedumb” which premiered July 1st on Netflix.  

Jefferies burst on to the scene in the United States after his popular debut HBO special “I Swear to God.” His additional successful comedy specials include “Contraband,” “Alcoholocaust,” and “Fully Functional.” 

Tickets for his shows are available for purchase now at jimjefferies.com

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