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Biografie: Robert Earl Keen
Now three-decades on from the release of his debut album and with nineteen albums, including six live albums, to his name and thousands of shows under his belt, Robert Earl Keen Keen remains as committed to and inspired by his muse as ever. From his humble beginnings on the Texas folk scene, he's blazed a trail that's earned him living-legend (not to mention pioneer) status in the Americana music world. He was a relative unknown at the release of his second studio album in 1989, but after the recording of "Whenever Kindness Fails" on his 1993 album "A Bigger Piece of Sky" and of "The Road Goes on Forever" on his 1996 album "#2 Live Dinner," the secret was out on Keen's Credentials as a songwriter's songwriter. By the end of the decade, Keen was a veritable household name in Texas and across the United States. In 2012, he was inducted into the Texas Heritage Songwriters Hall of Fame along with the late, great Townes Van Zandt and his college buddy, Lyle Lovett.