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Sa. 5 Apr. 2025 - 19:00 MDT
Kiva Auditorium, Albuquerque, NM
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Kiva Auditorium
401 Second Street NW
Albuquerque, NM 87102
Sa. 5 Apr. 2025 - 19:00 MDT

Biografie: Justin Willman

The Los Angeles Times calls Justin Willman, “a new breed of magician who’s making magic cool again for grown-ups.” From his monthly sell-out shows in the back of a trendy LA comic book shop to huge theaters and music venues across the country, Justin has become one of the busiest touring performers in America. His comedy flavored miracles have earned him a devoted cult following as well as frequent television appearances on The Ellen Degeneres Show and The Tonight Show with Jay Leno. Sweet-toothed frosting fans will recognize Justin as the magical host of Cupcake Wars on the Food Network for the past eight seasons, but his greatest trick to date was receiving a standing ovation from President Obama following a private performance at the White House. How did he do it? Magnets.

Born in St. Louis, Missouri, Justin began entertaining at the age of 12. After breaking both of his arms trying to ride a bicycle while wearing rollerblades (a hopeless attempt to impress girls), he started learning card tricks as an alternative to physical therapy. Nicknamed by his mother as “Justin Kredible”, he officially turned pro when his parents hired him to perform at his sister’s fifth birthday party. (He still has not been paid for the gig.)

Justin is a graduate of Emerson College in Boston, and currently resides in Los Angeles. He does not own a rabbit.

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