MHayarpi Artist - US for Promo offers tickets at MHayarpi - Delaware venue in Wilmington
Di. 22 Apr. 2025 - 19:00 PDT Verschoben
Presented By MHayarpi
MHayarpi Artist - US for Promo offers
MHayarpi Artist
MHayarpi - Delaware venue, Wilmington, DE Alter: Guests Under 18 Require Accompanying Adult
Wähle aus unseren besten Ticketangeboten
MHayarpi - AXS Premium promo offer
Premium tickets available only through AXS
MHayarpi - American Express® Preferred Access
Presale starts 7 Jan., 2025 at 6:00 PM PDT for American Express® Card Members
MHayarpi Group Sales
Orders of 10 or more seats
MHayarpi Artist VIP promo offer
Special offers and exclusive packages from the artist.

Presented By MHayarpi

Presented By MHayarpi
MHayarpi Artist - US for Promo offers
MHayarpi Artist
MHayarpi - Delaware venue
200 Hagley Creek Road
Wilmington, DE 19720
(302) 7396787
Di. 22 Apr. 2025 - 19:00 PDT
Alter: Guests Under 18 Require Accompanying Adult
Einlassbeginn: 16:00
IM VERKAUF: Mo. 6 Jan. 2025 - 10:00 PDT

Biografie: MHayarpi Artist - US

HTML Description for the performer Bio:

Extreme sports types:

Kitesurfing copy for test

1. Kitesurfing

2. Coasteering

3. Sky diving


Growing band of enthusiasts have been discovering the thrilling combination of kite, board and waves. These kites can be up to 17 metres long.


This is exploring the coastline without worrying about a coastal path or finding a rocky cliffy cove blocking your route.

Sky diving

Traditional parachuting just doesn't sound risky enough, does it?


For more info: 


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MHayarpi - American Express® Preferred Access

Presale starts 7 Jan., 2025 at 6:00 PM PDT for American Express® Card Members

When purchasing tickets, enter the 10-digit customer service phone number on the back of your eligible Card when prompted.

$50.00 - $450.00 /pro Stück

MHayarpi - AXS Premium promo offer

Premium tickets available only through AXS

What is AXS Premium?

AXS Premium gives fans direct access to purchasing premium tickets at market value. Ticket prices and supplies of inventories are subject to change based on demand. With AXS Premium, fans can choose the perfect ticket based on their individual preferences. By purchasing tickets directly from AXS (the official event ticketing provider) fans can eliminate the risk of purchasing tickets that may be considered lost, stolen or counterfeit.

Please note that AXS Premium may not be available for all events and may be General Admission depending on venue setup.

$50.00 - $450.00 /pro Stück
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Tickets für MHayarpi Artist - US for Promo offers

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