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Sa. 1 März 2025 - 19:30 CST
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Old National Events Plaza
715 Locust Street
Evansville, IN 47708
Sa. 1 März 2025 - 19:30 CST

Biografie: Clint Black

If allowed only one word to describe Clint Black, "profound" would cover a lot of bases. The artist has had a profound effect on the music industry, not only through his own recordings, but also through the establishment of his brainchild, Equity Music Group, a record company he co-founded in 2003.He is a profound, not to mention prolific, songwriter. To date, he has written, recorded and released more than 100 songs, a benchmark in any artist's career. An astounding one-third of the songs eligible for single release achieved hit song status at country radio. As a musician, he profoundly astounds -- he is an accomplished guitarist, and humbly describes himself as proficient on drums, harmonica, bass guitar and any assortment of percussion instruments.

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