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Sat 15 Mar 2025 - 7:00 pm
PPL Center, Allentown, PA
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PPL Center
701 Hamilton Street
Allentown, PA 18101
Sat 15 Mar 2025 - 7:00 pm

Bio: Lauren Alaina

Lauren Alaina once told an interviewer that she wanted to perform at the Grand Ole Opry by the time she was 16. “You’ve got high hopes,” she was told. As it turns out, she hadn’t begun to envision all that was in store for her before entering her junior year in high school.

She was the runner-up on Season 10 of American Idol, where her strong vocal performances earned comparisons to the genre’s ...

Bio: Rascal Flatts

Since their musical debut in 2000, Rascal Flatts has over 22.5 million albums sold and over 28 million digital downloads and delivered 15 #1 singles to the top of the charts. Rascal Flatts is the most awarded Country group of the past decade, earning over 40 trophies from the ACAs, ACMs, AMAs, CMAs, People's Choice Awards and more. As one of the hottest-selling acts on tour in any genre, they’ve ...


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