![Mobile QAs - Arts&Family [Do not modify!] tickets at STAPLES Center, Los Angeles](https://images.discovery-qa1.axsdevops.io/2015/05/staples-center_los-angeles_05-01-15_21_5543edc06ef8f.jpg)
Health & Safety Features
Acceptance Criteria
AC1: Enable View Barcode button from Flashseats System on Door Time
Given I have flash tickets to an event
And the event has a door time
When the actual time meets the door time
Acceptance Criteria
AC1: Enable View Barcode button from Flashseats System on Door Time
Given I have flash tickets to an event
And the event has a door time
When the actual time meets the door time
Then enable the "View Barcode" button
AC2: Enable View Barcode button from FlashSeats System with no door time
Given there is no door time
And Event Start Time only exists
When the actual time is 3 hours before Event start time
Then enable the "View Barcode" button
AC3: Enable View Barcode from FlashSeats system if no door and event time exists
Given there is no door time
And no event time
And the 'dateonly' flag is set to True
When the actual time hits MIDNIGHT of the event day
Then enable the "View Barcode" button
AC4: Display Barcode and Barcode Digits if 'lastScannedDate' field is not NULL
Given I have a flash ticket to an event
And the View Barcode button is enabled (based on the conditions above)
When I click on the View Barcode button
Then make a call to the order history api and check if the 'lastScannedDate' field is not NULL for each seat within this order
Then display the barcode
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
"neighborhoodPrintDescription": "Admissions", "rowPrintDescription": "GA", "sectionPrintDescription": "GENERAL ADMISSION", "maxAskPrice": 6.3, "lastScannedDate": null, "forwardInformation": { "transferActionId": null, "transferredOnUTC": null, "forwardedToCustomer": { "firstName": null, "lastName": null, "email": null, "message": null
AC5: Display Alert Modal When 'lastScannedDate' field is still NULL for ALL TICKETS upon clicking "View Barcode"
Given I have flash tickets to an event
When I click on the View Barcode button
Then make a call to the order history api
And if the 'lastScannedDate' field is NULL for all seats within this order
Then display the Alert Modal
Loading State: https://zpl.io/agOXMMO
AC6: Display Warning Message When User clicks View Barcode and that seat hasn't been redeemed yet
Given I have flash tickets to an event
When I click on the View Barcode button for seat A
And Seat A has not been scanned in yet
But Seats B, C, and D have been scanned in (lastScannedDate is not NULL)
Then display an error message on the Seat A cell
Loading State: https://zpl.io/agOXMMO
AC7: Continue to Display Barcode if Previously Shown and Leaving the view and coming back
Given I have a flash ticket to an event
And I have scanned in that ticket
When I leave this view (go to a different part of the app, close the app, etc)
And then come back to view the Barcode Screen
Then I should still see the barcodes in each seat section
AC8: Display Whoops Something Went Wrong Banner
Given I have a flash ticket to an event
And I have clicked the View Barcode button
When the Order History API timeouts or returns an error
Then display the current Yellow Banner "Whoops Something Went Wrong" error message.
Get Ready
Prepare for your night out with these options:
Get Parking
Get Food
Get Sleep
Tickets for Mobile QAs - Arts&Family [Do not modify!]
Purchase your tickets here for this event.
Get tickets on your phone
- Use mobile tickets on your phone to scan at the door.
- Securely share your tickets with your friends. Have them meet you at the venue.
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