Scissor Sisters
Scissor Sisters Dates
Mon 19 May 2025 - 6:30 pm
Bournemouth International Centre, Bournemouth, United Kingdom

Scissor Sisters Biography

It was 2009, and Jake Shears was in Berlin. Dancing. "There were nights when I'd look out into the crowd and it would look timeless. I wouldn't know what decade we were in." In fact, it was three years after the release of Scissor Sisters' second album (like its predecessor, it had sold over a million copies in the UK alone), and one year ahead of the band's third. As he looked out over the mass of bodies, Jake found the spark for what would become the fire at the heart of 'Night Work', a dynamic new album with some killer dance moves and a superhuman ability to stay out later than it should do. Without skimping on tunes, 'Night Work' is very much a nocturnal album whose soul could, indeed, have come from any time. "It's a dream record," says Jake. "It's everything we haven't been able to pull off before." Comeback moments don't come much more dreamlike than euphoric lead single 'Fire With Fire', an epic tale of battles lost and won, victory snatched from the jaws of defeat. "It's abou...

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