Lenny Kravitz
Lenny Kravitz Dates
Mon Mar 17, 2025 - 7:00 PM
SAP Arena, Mannheim, Germany
Sat Mar 15, 2025 - 12:59 AM
Uber Arena, Berlin, Germany

Lenny Kravitz Biography

Vibration underscores music, motion, and movement. Lenny Kravitz translates this natural force into art
and ultimately a call-to-action. The four-time GRAMMY® Award-winning singer, songwriter, producer, and multi-instrumentalist elevates the union of rock ‘n’ roll, funk, blues, and soul he patented in 1989 once again on his eleventh full-length album, Raise Vibration. Receptive to youthful inspiration, but enlightened by three decades of wisdom, it represents a powerful creative rebirth and a bold, bright, and brilliant body of work befitting of his legacy and boundless spirit.

He explains. “When I said Let Love Rule on my debut, I had to live that for myself. It’s the same idea with
Raise Vibration. I’m making a conscious choice to go to another place that I believe yields better results. I feel that the vibration we’re on collectively is not doing it. We need to reach higher. We need to be more thoughtful, spiritual, loving, and open. Stop thinking of borders, boxes and imaginary forms



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